Modular JIG Systems
The SKEW JIG System is the fully modular, rebar welding and/or tying workbench for the concrete reinforcement industry.
A hardwearing assembly system on which you can first place your rebar (stirrups, links, ligatures, rings) freestanding, feed the bars through and weld or tie the element in place. All the while ensuring the perfect measurements and spacing, and proper concrete cover.

Our JIG Systems makes your reinforcement assembly 20-70% faster due to its straightforward assembly principle and user-friendly reinforcement teeth grips.
High quality reinforcement can be assembled with the perfect spacing. Rebar cages will be consistently straight, accurate and will always have the proper concrete cover. The intuitive work method prevents mistakes and brings a significant reduction in failure costs.
Our JIGs provide endless flexibility to change, rebuild or simply adjust your system for daily manufacturing. Save time and material, wasted on single usage JIGs