Prestress Reinforcement JIGs

The Prestress JIG System is designed to prefabricate the full reinforcement cage before lifting it into the mould.

This allows the cages to be assembled fast, ergonomic, and accurately. The pouring cycle is shortened as less time is required to place the reinforcement in the mould.

The Prestress JIG System is a modular platform that can be tailored for your project.

Our experienced engineering team can review your prestressed beam drawings to design a JIG system that meets the reinforcement configuration and dimensions.

The open JIG structure allows convenient and fast reinforcement cage assembly where quality control can beachieved more easily.

Deze afbeelding heeft een leeg alt-attribuut; de bestandsnaam is 240410_Prestress-JIGS-3-1-1024x413.png

The full reinforcement cage is pre-assembled on the Modular JIGs.
The SKEW JIG SYSTEMS are fully configurable throughout the Project.
The full cage, including PC strands, mould end plate is lifted in the concrete mould.
Concrete cover, overall cage shape and rebar configuration is guaranteed from start to finish
JIG System solutions include T-Beams, I-Beams, Edge Beams, Inverted T-beams, U/W-beams etc.

Streamlined reinforcement assembly procedure

Positioning stirrup groups at the proper spacing

Feeding bars through the stirrups

Once the reinforcement is in place, the T-beam can be tied or welded together.

Cta image

Let's design your reinforcement assembly workbench

Reach out to SKEW

Florijnweg 7
6883 JN Velp
+31 (0)571 260 115


Frequently asked questions

  • What makes the SKEW JIG SYSTEM fast?

    The SKEW JIG SYSTEM allows workers to position the reinforcement in exactly the right position, before fixing. The reinforcement is continiously held in place, making the entire assembly process more convenient and therfore faster. Thanks to the integrated markings, less time is spent on measurements, checks and repetitions. The standardized working method also ensures seamless teamwork.
  • Is the SKEW JIG SYSTEM available in my country?

    SKEW can supply worldwide. Our JIG Systems are flatpacked, compact and light weight for international transport. We work with several transport agents for transport and your importing procedure.
  • How does the pricing work?

    Each JIG part has a price. The overall JIG System price is a total all components included. SKEW offers tailored Systems, packages, add-ons, extensions and loose components.
  • What is the grip spacing and the rebar diameter range?

    Standard, we have a spacing @25mm or 1 inch, suitable for diameter range 8-20mm (#2-#6). But SKEW offers alternative spacings (20, 50mm) or grips for smaller (6-8mm) and larger (up to 40mm) reinforcement diameters. Our sales team will assist on including the best grips for your projects.
  • What can I assemble on the SKEW JIG SYSTEM

    Our products allow for endless configurations of JIG systems so that a JIG solution can be customized for your needs. SKEW engineers can match your drawings with the SKEW JIG Systems library to provide the most suitable workbench for your products or project.