Home / Offer request Offer request Request your personalized JIG System proposal in 4 simple steps: Step 1 of 4 – Setup Choice 25% Choose one of these JIG systems, to tailor to your specifications. Standard Setup: Bench Setup Table Setup Floor Setup Metric / Imperial Metric (Meters) Imperial (Feet) Floor Setup with or withour backing? Floor Setup with backing Floor Setup without backing System dimensionsSelect System Lenght:1.2m2.4m3.6m4.8m6.0m7.2m8.4m9.6m10.8m12.0m13.2m14.4m15.6m16.8m18.0m19.2m20.4m21.6m22.8m24.0mSelect System Lenght:4'8'12'16'20'24'28'32'36'40'44'48'52'56'60'64'68'72'76'80'System Width0.6m0.9m1.2m1.8m2.4m3.0m3.6m4.8mSystem Width2'3'4'6'8'10'12'16'Backing Height0.3m0.7m0.9m1.4m2.0mBacking Height1'2' 4"3'4' 8"6' 8"Working Height30cm70cm90cmWorking Height1'2' 4"3'Advanced Options Advanced Options Rows of gripping profiles in bottom2 rows3 rows4 rows5 rows6 rowsRows of rebar gripping profiles in the back1 rows2 rows3 rowsRows of gripping profiles in the back1 rows2 rowsStop end platesNo Stop platesStop plates in lengthStop plates in 2 directionsStop plates in length including teeth profilesStop plates in 2 directions including teeth profilesStop end platesNo Stop platesStop plates in lengthStop plates in 2 directionsStop plates in length including teeth profilesStop plates in 2 directions including teeth profilesTeeth Profiles Specify rebar grips Standard the SKEW JIG Systems are equipped with teeth profiles @25mm spacing, for reinforcement diameters 8 – 20mm Standard the SKEW JIG Systems are equipped with teeth profiles @ 1″ spacing, for reinforcement diameters #2- #6 Rebar diameter range and spacing options: rebar dia 6 – 16mm @ 25mm Spacing rebar dia 8 – 20mm @ 25mm Spacing (Standard) rebar dia 10 – 25mm @ 50mm Spacing rebar dia 20 – 30mm @ 50mm Spacing Other Rebar diameter range and spacing options: rebar #1 – #4 @ 1″ spacing rebar #2- #6 @ 1″ spacing (standard) rebar #3- #8 @ 2″ spacing rebar #6- #12 @ 2″ spacing Other Additional requests (Optional) Options and Tooling:In case your are intending on welding on the SKEW JIG SYSTEMS, we reccomend our welding protection spray. This spray protects the JIG from any welding spatter.Welding Spatter Protection Package Yes No Add Rebar Clamps and rebar Bullets to your offer requestRebar ClampsRebar Bullets Company DetailsName(Required)Company Name(Required)E-mailadres(Required) Phone NumberMessage (Optional)If you have any documents (I.e. drawings, photo’s) you’d like us to analyse, fel free to included them in the offer request.File upload (Optional)Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, pages, txt, png, jpg, gif, Max. file size: 128 MB.